Password protected: Designing and Executing a Long Term Product Strategy for Operations Leaders

Engage is a tool designed to help Amazon’s front-line operational leaders plan, conduct, and capture engagements with their direct reports or teams. It consolidates data from different sources to provide leaders insight about their team and as a result, foster more meaningful, relevant engagements that improve overall employee job satisfaction, safety metrics, associate retention rates.

When I joined the team, the primary team initiative was to “improve the experience” without much clarity around the customer problems this work was solving for. I took on the responsibility of outlining a strategy to define what “improve the experience” actually meant for Engage’s customers and product.


  • SUS score of 74.4 (B), increasing from previous score of 69 (C)
  • 49.5 million engagements captured to date, increase of 30 million engagements since new experience launch
  • 3.6x lower attrition for managers that use Engage since launch of new experience



1 UX, 1 PM, 1 SDM, and team of SDEs

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